What to Watch in the New Year

by camerarepair on

smilely eyes image - http://light-test.com/wp-content/uploads/4556/_MG_9451.jpg

With all the holidays and end of year stuff going on right now unfortunately this week and next we will not be posting our normal repair article or topic. Instead let’s take a look at some really great industry leaders that we will be watching in the New Year. Also, I’d like to have some fun and look at some of the industries more quirky blogs and have a good laugh.


The big blogs that you are probably already following, but if you aren’t you should be:

Chase Jarvis Shorts: Don’t Forget to Have a Good Laugh!






Create Amazing Light Spirographs With The Spirograph Wheel

www.diyphotography.net Create Amazing Light Spirographs With The Spirograph Wheel





Some of the blogs that may not be as well known but definitely worth keeping a close eye on in the New Year are:






Photoshop Disasters: I Deserve It. Why?

Photoshop Disasters: I Deserve It. Why? - www.psdisasters.com





Finishing on a fun note here is some really great blogs that are photo industry related!


Stay safe this weekend and have a wonderful New Years from all of us at C.R.I.S Camera Services!

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Studio December 31, 2010 at

The list is great but I would add http://www.photographyoffice.com as a source of great photography!


cynthia deadmon January 7, 2011 at

I would like more how to video and blog…I am still a novice


Leslie Uhl January 13, 2011 at

Great ideas, great pix! So glad to have found this site! Lots more than camera repair, I will keep coming back for more.Thanks!


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